Bachelor in Public Health

Vijaya Laxmi Shrestha


Bachelor in Public Health (BPH) at department of public health of NAMS College is a four-year, semester system program of Purbanchal University. The course aims to prepare professional public health specialists with the highest technical and managerial competence in district level health programs including problem identification, planning implementing, health education and research. Such specialist can serve in various positions at national, zonal, district or local levels.
They will be needed in various kinds of governmental health agencies, hospital, schools and institutions. Realizing this dire need of health professionals in public health sector, GON has encouraged private sectors to invest in public health education to produce quality manpower to meet the national needs. In this context Purbanchal university has initiated Bachelor programs in Public health with the goal of contributing to the improvement of public health service of the country through the production of quality human resources.


The Bachelors in Public Health (BPH) is to produce competent graduates with advanced knowledge and practical skills necessary to deliver high quality health services needed for the country. Specifically, the program entails the following objectives :

  1. Develop required skills in designing, analyzing and evaluating applied public health programs.
  2. Train and develop the skills on epidemiological aspects of diseases and health system.
  3. Equip public health specialists with communication and group organization skills for promoting community participation in health and development activities ultimately leading to the individual and community self-reliance in health service and improvement in health status of people.
  4. Foster positive attitude in health professionals and encourage them to provide more accessible and equitable primary health care services for disadvantage groups and communities.
  5. Develop the leadership capabilities of public health professionals in the management of primary health care and district level health programs.
  6. Provide the skillful, practical and leading human resources through the community diagnosis and comprehensive field practices.
  7. Attain the extra – curricular competencies through various exposures, training and seminars.

Career Opportunities

The scope of public health is dynamic. The graduates of Public health care able to work in the various field of public health. There is growing concern for improvement of health status from all stake holders within Nepal or in the foreign countries. In many parts of the word scientists are investing themselves in introducing public health interventions that can deal with the life style. In order to cope with complex situation, development of public health graduates has become inescapable.

BPH graduates serve in a wide variety of public health fields, including medicine, research,health education, health management, environmental health, food safety and the academic setting including others. In general, graduates can choose following areas to build their career:

  • University (Education and Research)
  • Health organization
  • Nepal Government – Public Health Sector
  • Private Health Sector
  • Health center
  • Research sector
  • Different NGOs & INGOs
  • Local Development sector
  • Duration of the program

The course has been designed for four academic years (Eight Semester) concentrating in general public health courses. There will be concurrent and residential framework during the academic years)

Teaching learning activities/Field Practices

A number of effective and participatory teaching and learning methods will be employed to facilitate innovative learning. The choice of the methods largely depends upon the nature of the subject matter and the situation never the less the following methods are adopted.

  • Lectures using overhead projector, multimedia and whiteboard
  • Learning process through group discussions, interaction brain storming, observation
  • Reading assignments
  • Field Study, analysis and group presentation
  • Field visits be taken in the rural community setting
  • Internship placement at various I/NGOs
  • Participation in Seminars, workshops
  • Organization of health programs at different settings
  • Public health site visits around Nepal.

S.No. Year Admission Fee Annual Fee Monthly  Fee Grand Total (Rs.) Yearly
1 First Semester 15,000  1,85,000.00 30,000.00 5000X6=30,000   2,30,000  


2 Second Semester  72,200 30,000.00 5000X6=30,000 30,000
3 Third Semester  71,000 30,000.00 5000X6=30,000 1,00,000  


4 Fourth Semester 30,000.00 5000X6=30,000 70,000
5 Fifth Semester 30,000.00 5000X6=30,000 50,000  


6 Sixth Semester 30,000.00 5000X6=30,000 50,000
7 Seventh Semester 30,000.00 5000X6=30,000 50,000  


8 Eighth Semester 30,000.00 5000X6=30,000 45000
Total  Rs 15,000 Rs 3,70,000  Rs 2,40,000  6,25,000

Mr. Ram Bahadur Shrestha


Mr. Pratik Shrestha


Mr. Binod Regmi

MPH (Bangladesh)

Mr. Nikesh Kahanal


Operation Calendar

Micro Syllabus for BACHELOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (BPH), Four Year, Eight Semester

1st Semester

2nd Semester

3rd Semester

4th Semester

5th Semester

6th Semester

7th Semester

8th Semester

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