Sex, Shakespeare and Football

Sex, Shakespeare and Football

Necessary roughness

People, it is soccer period in the us. So when there’s a chance to evaluate some data about something typically and inherently 100% US, it is done by us. While consuming hot wings.

Via a careful and anonymous study of a few million OkCupid reports, we discovered 20,000 users whom stated to their pages that they’re a fan of a NFL team. Here’s everything we learned.

America’s favorite team

To begin with, the 20,000 pages aren’t evenly split between all the NFL franchises*. Generally speaking, the groups in bigger metropolitan areas had a tendency to score better in this appeal contest, utilizing the notable exclusion associated with the Pack. That caused us to accomplish a daaaaaable check of our figures; right right here’s the precise breakdown:

Dallas — the very best pick — is only a little surprising since OkCupid has the essential users in nyc. Interestingly, Dallas fits the hometown of some other online dating company. Texas Forever, I Guess. At the end associated with the list, we come across some evidence that is compelling Florida probably does not require three NFL groups. And no matter big game victories, some groups nevertheless fly among fans (we’re nodding at you, Philly).

*Due into the sample that is low of users clearly saying allegience towards the Rams, Titans, Jaguars, and Buccaneers, we’ve excluded those groups from our analysis.

Art thou prepared for a few football?

If you’re brand brand new to OkCupid, the one thing you are doing is respond to fun questions to boost your match percentages. a very early concern we ask is:

within the line “Wherefore art thou Romeo?,” what does “wherefore” suggest? ? Why? Where? How? Who cares / wtf?

With what promises to end up being the first-ever information analysis involving soccer fans and Shakespearian language, hither art the percentages of fans that replied this question precisely:

So… Buffalo Bills fans are more inclined to also be Bill Shakespeare fans. Whom knew? Additionally, except for the Panthers and Cardinals, the groups in colder areas of the nation do have more literary fans. Possibly it is all of that chatter about comparing thee to a summer time’s day.

At the end for the pile, we come across Dallas and san francisco bay area struggling to know the lingo (with north park, Houston and Oakland perhaps not far ahead), that is specially interesting considering those two states have actually the biggest college systems. Hey, uneasy — er, uneducated — lies the top that wears a top.

C’mon ref, will you be blind?

Let’s take a good look at the reactions to some other concern:

With any sport, there’s a specific variety of fan who’s simply a monster that is obnoxious. No penalty against his / her group is ever legitimate, and no penalty in benefit is just too egregious. That dropped ball ended up being interference that is clearly pass. The ref is ‘drunk.’ You receive the theory.

Here you will find the fans likeliest to get Rules Lawyer for you:

Provided brand brand brand New Yorkers’ reputation to be in-your-face, you’d think leaders fans would emerge on top. Another guess that is reasonable the utmost effective arguers could have been Patriots fans as a result of this one small, unpublicized event referred to as Deflategate. Nope and nope, i suppose. The Vikings are really a big shock; whatever took place to Minnesota-nice? We thought their arguments would go similar to this:

Substance abuse policy

Despite the gradual decriminalization, the league includes a strict no-marijuana policy for players. But just what in regards to the fans? Whether or otherwise not you smoke pot is really a pretty popular OkCupid match concern. Here’s exactly how the data piles up:

What’s your relationship with marijuana? ? I smoke frequently.? I smoke cigarettes sometimes.? We smoked within the past, but not any asian brides at longer.? Never Ever.

Generally speaking, we come across more liberal cannabis attitudes when you look at the Northeast and western Coast, instead of the Midwest and Southern groups. Just just Take heart, Raiders fans. Days gone by couple of years have already been especially unkind for you. But hey, you’re beating the 49ers in a minumum of one leisure activity. We expected a much better showing from Colorado post-legalization, nevertheless the Broncos arrived close to the center. On the other side end, we come across the Cincinnati Bengals dead last but somehow the Cleveland Browns (4 hours away) can be high on the list.

very very First and goal

All right, sufficient about drugs. Let’s explore intercourse. Here’s quite a important concern:

Even though the web web site all together has only a little over 50% of its users answering “yes”, the entire price of first-date panky that is hanky our soccer fan test is fairly a bit reduced at 43per cent. Actually, though? They’re fine leaving their date with a polite peck on the cheek on Saturday night. But on any provided Sunday, they’re ballistically cheering for his or her group. Perhaps they’re just…pent-up?

Here you will find the details:

Turns away that Dolphin fans, like real dolphins, are pretty frisky (though just as much as the site-wide average). Additionally real for their symbolic mascot, the Cardinals are happy waiting (ok, it’s a bird rather than a priest, but close sufficient).

Follow this link for the chart that is full.

Instant replay

Time to get Coach Taylor it home on you and bring. What’s the course right right here, group? Can it be that you need to avoid talking about politics on times with Vikings fans? Or that when you’re to locate a 420-friendly buddy, attend a Bay Area party that is tailgate? Hey, irrespective of who you’re wanting to get with, keep in mind: discomfort heals, chicks dig scars, and glory persists forever.

Published by Lee Wang. Illustration and design by Shane Zucker.

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